INLIV is thrilled to feature another client spotlight this month: Greg and Lucia Lake.
Why is fitness important to you?
We realize that as we age, we need to work harder at maintaining strength and health. INLIV has been able to tailor our fitness program based on our individual health goals and physical constraints. Bottom line: we want to stay young! And our INLIV program and trainers are an important part of this.
What is your most memorable or favourite healthy living achievement?
Our most memorable achievements since getting fit have been our cycling vacations in Tuscany and Vietnam.
What inspires you to continue making fitness a priority?
We’re inspired by our three boys and being able to live an active lifestyle with them. This has also motivated them to be more active, including working with the INLIV fitness team. The INLIV experience has fostered comradery and some healthy competition!
How long have you been an INLIV client?
Greg joined as part of an executive program in 2007, and the rest of the family joined the Total Health Management program in 2009.
What first brought you to our facility, and what has kept you training at INLIV?
We were newcomers to Alberta in 2007. After a ski injury, we had trouble getting access to the right health care professionals. The INLIV team helped us navigate the system and played an important role in the recovery process.
What is the next challenge you want to take on for your health and fitness?
With the current quarantine situation, INLIV has been able to pivot quickly and help us maintain strength and conditioning. This is important to us, as we plan to be active in the coming decades including half-marathons, skiing and cycling abroad.
How do Virtual Training (VT) sessions compare to in-person training?
We miss in-person sessions, but we’ve been pleasantly surprised at how effective the VT sessions have been.
Is your trainer able to deliver an effective workout over live video?
Absolutely. The trainers are fully engaged and they challenge us and ensure our form and posture is correct.
What kind of equipment do you use for your Virtual Training sessions?
We cobbled together some mats, kettle bells, dumbbells and bands. The trainers are aware of our equipment and tailor the sessions accordingly.
How do you begin each Virtual Training session?
We try to warm up for 15-20 minutes before the Zoom session begins. The trainer assesses how we’re feeling, describes the workout plan, and then we get started.
What sort of benefits do you see from Virtual Training?
Working out at home has been so convenient, we’ve actually been working out twice as much virtually as we were in-person.
Do you see yourself continuing to use Virtual Training sessions in the future?
VT will be a great option for us in the future: during vacations, business travel, or just the hectic periods we all go through.
To learn more about INLIV’s fitness options or to book a complimentary fitness consultation, contact us or call 403.538.8881.